PU Riders

Kanishka’ s coverings for the Oscillating Rollers guarantee an optimal resistance to the inks also with the presence of antifoaming additive covering. The coverings obtained are perfectly adherent with the metal core with which they form a single body. Cylinders coated in copper are replaced with thicknesses of P.U of a few tenths up to 2-3 mm, enabling even worn cylinders to be recuperated

Our PU Riders bear the following characterstics :

  •  Dimensional accuracy & grinding tolerance upto 15 microns.
  •  Resistance to printing inks, chemicals & solvents.
  •  Offers greater anti-oxidizing characteristics than traditional copper coverings.
  •  Exception impact, abrasion, cut and tear resistance.
  •  excellent ink affinity as well as superior abrasion resistance.
  •  Longer service life.

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